The wheatgrass enema is similar to a coffee enema, but differs in that wheatgrass is loaded with nutrients and oxygen that the body can use. Wheatgrass is used as a detoxifier in drinking it, and is also a detoxifier when given in an enema. It also has cleansing agents for the colon.
Purelife Wheatgrass Enema Juice Powder is enema specific. You are buying wheatgrass that has not been dried in the sun, because heat will cause a loss of vitamins and minerals . We process it using no heat. It is freeze dried, so you will receive all the nutrients. And our powder also dissolves better than regular wheatgrass powder.
You can juice 2 oz of fresh wheatgrass and pour into your enema water for a very refreshing enema. You will easily feel the purifying action of the wheatgrass upon the liver and colon. You will notice you have an abundance of energy thanks to the vitamins entering into the bloodstream directly.
If you dont have fresh wheatgrass available, you can get a superb wheatgrass cleanse using PureLife Wheatgrass Powder. It is very pure and sterlized, as well as rates the high in vitamins and oxygen over other powders. You will notice some wheatgrass is a yellow green or avacado. This has not been quality processed. The best wheatrgrass powder and most potent is going to be a deep rich green, or forest green. It will also have a strong grass odor.
Our wheatgrass powder is grown here in the USA and is certified organic and quality tested for purity and safety.
Wheatgrass enemas are safe and an excellent way to balance your Ph. They have been used for over 50 years in healing many ailments associated with a toxic colon and liver, or immune deficiency problems.
1 Teaspoon powder = 1 ounce wheatgrass juice
Start with 1/4- 1/2 teaspoon of PureLife Wheatgrass Enema Powder.
Stir it into 2 cups of warm filtered water in your enema bucket
Temperature 103°Fahrenheit
It is recommended that you start with small
amount of wheatgrass powder, and build up. Remember wheatgrass is a detoxifier, and you could experience
detox symptoms.
If you have trouble with constipation, you can use a wheat grass enema several times a week, The bowels should start to work normally, and the colon will be clean, the stool will not be as foul-smelling. I
Rectal Implant:
Wheatgrass juice can be used as a rectal implant. The colon is an organ designed to quickly absorb any nutrients that might remain at the end of digestion, and is probably the most direct way to get wheatgrass juice into the bloodstream. The colon is also a relatively malnourished and toxic environment, and can most benefit from the wheatgrass. Typically after an enema (a flushing out of the colon with water), one can implant 2-6 ounces of wheatgrass juice, retaining it as long as possible.
Nutrients in Wheatgrass
§ 30mls of freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice is equivalent in nutritional value to 1kg of leafy green vegetables
§ Wheatgrass contains over 90 minerals, including high concentrations of the most alkaline minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium
§ It contains the essential enzymes: Protease (assists in protein digestion), Cytochrome Oxidase (a powerful anti oxidant), Amylase (facilitates digestion), Lipase (a fat splitting enzyme), Transhydrogenase (strengthens the heart muscle) & Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) (found in all body cells and is known for its ability to lessen the effect of radiation and slow cellular aging).
§ Just one teaspoon of Wheat Grass powder, weighing a mere 3.5 grams, is nutritionally equal to an entire spinach salad weighing a full 50 grams – it packs a punch!
§ Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and twice the vitamin A as carrots! It also contains 19 amino acids.
§ Wheat grass juice helps your body to build red blood cells which carry oxygen to every cell. By increasing the oxygenation the body you can help offset smog and carbon monoxide and increase your endurance during physical excersize.