Is it Really Organic?

16th May 2015

Is it Really Organic?

You would not believe how many people are jumping on the band wagon for enema coffee and calling there coffee organic, when it may not be.  Down in South America, a farm can call their coffee organic and sell the beans as such. But if its not certified by the USDA, and also inspected by another certifying agency and the beans actually tested by the 2nd agency...then you would not know for sure if its organic or not.  PureLife Enema Coffee is USDA certified, and we also are certified by a second agency here called "Oregon Tilth".  Oregon Tilth actually comes in and inspects and tests the beans to make sure they are organic.  We get their seal.   We are very serious about our enema coffee. Coffee that goes into the liver must be clean and pure and we do not compromise on this.  Our organic air roasted therapy coffee is "VERIFIABLE" by the agencies.