Posted by Susan on 23rd Jun 2018
Help! I can't hold the coffee enema in. What do I do? Yes, we all know we are supposed to hold it in for 15 minutes so the coffee can completely circulate through the blood system and clea
23rd Jun 2018
Balancing Electrolytes and Minerals After A Coffee Enema
A very important part of the coffee enema program is to replenish your body with electrolytes, minerals and nutrients after a coffee enema. Why? Because you may lose some minerals after a coffee
Posted by Susan on 23rd Jun 2018
How Does A Wheatgrass Enema Differ From A Coffee Enema?
Both wheatgrass and coffee enemas help to detoxify the liver and blood. But Coffee Enemas will do a much better job at detoxifying the liver because it has caffeine which opens the bile ducts so
23rd Jun 2018
Chronic Gas or Flatulence
If you find you have chronic gas in the colon or flatulence you must look at your diet. The main causes of flatulence is the types of food you are consuming, and the combinations of food you ar
Posted by Susan on 23rd Jun 2018
Why Does The Colon Get So Constipated
These days with all the processed foods, it is no wonder everybody is having colon issues. One thing to understand is that many foods that you eat have no water content. Breads, and meat h
23rd Jun 2018
Acidosis - Balance Your PH
Acidosis In The Body - Can An Alkaline Diet Remove All Disease?Balancing Your pH Is Vital To Cellular and Organ Health North Pole-South Pole : Your Body and Cells op